Message from the Special Administrator
We'd like to welcome you to the City of Suva. Fiji has noted a remarkable urban shift over the past couple of generations and now our metropolitan area is home to approximately half of our country's population. To us, this is nothing but a very good thing. It means more prosperity, more diversity, more visitors and more friendly Fiji smiles. We have worked hard to advance our community while preserving our culture. We are fortunate beyond words to reside harbor side amongst such beauty and tropical blessings. We cherish our families, we restore our buildings and we honor our past. The people of Suva take great pride in their diversity.
Arts and Culture
Fiji has a unique and diverse culture unlike any other. The prominent ethnicities are Fijian, Indian, European and Chinese followed by a slew of other minorities, many from other South Pacific nations. The language, food, traditions, costumes and beliefs of all the cultures are strongly in evidence. The range of styles in terms of architecture, arts and craft, music, dance and sports celebrate Suva's diversity with our indigenous culture playing an important and active part of every-day living.
Colo-i-Suva is a national park that boasts a crystal clear river set in serene and peaceful surroundings. Located around ten minutes from the city, Colo-i-Suva is one of the national parks in Fiji
Shopping in Suva
Enjoy art, beauty,books, cafes, clothing and jewelry to health, photography, shoes, sporting goods and more...
TCF Factory Outlets
The Textile, Clothing and Footwear industry of Fiji has many retail outlets from which to choose.
Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn is the leading accommodation outlet in Suva which features an open plan entry.
Bad Dog Cafe
This café and bar has been around for more than 15 years and the high service and quality still remains.
Dining in Suva
Dining around Suva City is like a fiesta to choose from. With restaurants located in every corner of the street, choosing what to eat is entirely upon you.
University of the South Pacific
The University of the South Pacific is the largest regional tertiary institution in the South Pacific. This institution has a highly eclectic South Pacific Island student body which enables a better understanding of other cultures and traditions throughout the Pacific islands.
Pure Fiji Factory Outlet
The Pure Fiji Factory outlet is a state of the art manufacturing facility that offers a great range of natural cosmetic products.
Going to the movies is a favourite pastime of locals and in comparison to western countries; it is an extremely economic form of entertainment.
The Meeting Point
Morris Hedstrom City Center is a modern multi-storey complex which emerged from the ashes of the original building which was destroyed by fire in the late 90's. For years after that the land was left idle but was always owned by the same company.